Join congregates from C.C.C.U. churches across Ohio as we celebrate this fiscal year's Kid Power offering! Kid Power is C.C.C.U.'s youth-for-missions program, where children learn about missionaries and the work they do for the kingdom of God, and where children and their loved ones help raise support for that work! This year's Kid Power Celebration […]
If you are a youth grades kindergarten through sixth grade, we would love to have you join us for Vacation Bible School! This year our theme will be Camp! If you have not already, please fill out the allergy and emergency contact form to have your students attend.
If you are a youth grades kindergarten through sixth grade, we would love to have you join us for Vacation Bible School! This year our theme will be Camp! If you have not already, please fill out the allergy and emergency contact form to have your students attend.
If you are a youth grades kindergarten through sixth grade, we would love to have you join us for Vacation Bible School! This year our theme will be Camp! If you have not already, please fill out the allergy and emergency contact form to have your students attend.
Come hear WGM's Steve Hughes share what the Lord is doing in his life and doing upcoming on the Native American reservations in the Arizona area. For more information on Steve, please visit here: Steve Hughes - World Gospel Mission (